Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Rise of the AI

With the rise of AI in the creative world (no Skynet yet, sorry to disappoint you), there are discussions about how AI will affect artists, writers, and other creative fields in the near future. The majority is worried that AI will replace them because it is fast, has unlimited sources, and is most likely more manageable and cheaper. No author block and no books in series that take longer than a decade (I am looking at you, George!)

Personally, am I worried? Strangely, no. Not always for good reasons, though.

I am very aware of the struggles in the writing world. Even without the threat of AI, it's extremely difficult to make it; that is what I have learned so far. Everybody can write, but not everyone can market or has a plethora of connections to throw their works out there. I am already at the extreme end. I don't write in my first language, but in the language I'm more comfortable expressing myself with, which obviously comes with very significant challenges. I'm not too fond of social media, barely have friends, and can't market to save my life. So, another threat? It's not to say that I don't see it as a threat, but when you have to fight against a vast amount of odds, another one doesn't feel as bad. I think.

On another better reason, somehow, I believe there are still genuine readers out there who seek out original works. Hopefully, they will never go extinct. To me, writing is very personal and very intimate. Most writers pour their hearts and souls into their characters and plots. For some, writing helps with personal journeys and struggles. Writing actually helps make me feel better when real life is getting shitty. It's probably some kind of powerful therapy. Mostly, it's a labor of love. Can AI ever replace something that personal? It's possible. At that time, competing with AI to write books should be the last thing one would worry about, I guess, in between fighting the liquid terminator that tries to fool me by morphing into—gaps—my dog! Maybe I wouldn't be this relaxed then. Die, AI, die!

P.S. After hearing all the fuss, I tried ChatGPT, not for writing, because I will never contaminate my imperfect writing away, but I tried to converse with it about anything. Nerdy things that my friends are running away from. But that is the story for another day because I have rambled enough today.

As always, thanks for being here. And as readers, it's your choice, don't feel pressured by anything. If you enjoy works done by AI, there is nothing wrong with it. Reading is subjective and should be fun.